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As I reflect over my time as a developer for a variety of teams and companies, I see three major themes on how I sought to curate my time at work. Learning the Language In each company I have joined, I have had to learn something new. I went to a bootcamp that focused on Ruby and JavaScript, and then my first job after school was in Java and Spring(and about 20 different other skills). Next, it…

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When the world reeled by George Floyd's death and the resulting protests and attention to Black Lives Matter and my former CEO crying during a virtual All Hands, I sat with the feeling that perhaps I'm working in a generation that is wising up to respecting, supporting, sponsoring, and investing in Black minds and talent... particularly in tech. Sometimes it's not adventageous to be the most…

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There are several ways one could go about solving this simple HackerRank problem, so I thought I'd show my solution and also include helpful resources I found. There were two awesome articles I read to solve this and both were written by Python | Create list of numbers with given range Python program to convert a list to string How I solved this: After reading the prompt, I knew…

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So how did I go about solving this problem? I first started by pseudocoding my steps on what I needed to do: # Trim first two letters of word "stut" # loop 2x + elipses # combine the stut with the word, and a question mark.  # stutter("outstanding") ➞ "ou... ou... outstanding?" I knew of a few directions I could go about solving this, but I wasn't positive on what these methods were in Python…

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